Center for Development Evaluation and Social Science Research (CDESS)

///Center for Development Evaluation and Social Science Research (CDESS)
Center for Development Evaluation and Social Science Research (CDESS) 2018-04-26T06:41:44+00:00

Center for Development Evaluation and Social Science Research (CDESS) is an independent non-profit and non-partisan think-tank established in 2016, with a mission of strengthening the culture of evidence-based policy making in BiH and the Western Balkans region. We do it by producing high-quality evaluations of programs and policies, as well as research in social sciences, using state-of-the-art methodological approaches.

Our research areas cover the most relevant topics for evaluation of programs and policies in the country and include labour market and migration, education, financial inclusion, social welfare issues and local economic development.

The Center participates in a number of regional and international research network, which allow us to use external expertise in discussion of specific methodological issues that can be raised during the project implementation. The Center is currently licenced partners of the ISER, University of Essex, for development of a microsimulation tool for ex-ante evaluation of tax and benefits policies in BiH, based on EUROMOD. Also, it is a coordinating partner of the Western Balkans Migration Network.

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