Elira Jorgoni has 15 years of consulting experience in governance and public policies with several donors and partners. She is the country expert and co/author of a several research papers and assessment reports at national or regional level on social inclusion and protection funded by the DG Employment/European Commission, OECD, SDC, UN and ADA, ETF. From 2013, Elira has been supporting the Social Service Reform, in designing of governance instruments and providing technical advice and advising the minister of state on Territorial Administrative Reform, covering social aspects and implications of the reform.
Elira been providing support to Government sector self-assessment for preparation of EU strategic document for new IPA financial assistance (IPA II) and preparing the Fact Findings for the (i) Human Rights, Minorities and (ii) Parliament Fiches. During the last years, Elira has contributed to the Employment TVET and Social Policy Sector, as local expert, improving the planning, implementation and monitoring of national sectors reforms and support effective mechanism for an integrated EU accession process in Albania – IPA II sectorial approach in the Employment and Social Policy Sector.