October 21-25, 2019. Bečići, Montenegro
The Future of the Welfare State in the Western Balkans Network organizes the Western Balkans Policy Analysis Laboratory (PAL) on welfare state issues in Montenegro (Bečići) from 21 to 25 October 2019.
The PAL is aimed at around 50 professionals working in the social sectors either as policy and decision makers, service providers (from the state, NGO and private sectors), administrators, activists, advocates, think tank analysts, researchers, lecturers or service users from across the Western Balkan countries.
The Policy Analysis Laboratory is combination between panel sessions and work in groups (3 streams):
Working methods of the streams is hands-on and interactive through real world examples, scenario-building exercises and inputs from resource persons drawn from the region and beyond. Each stream enables participants to:
- Familiarize themselves with data, indicators and trends in the Western Balkans and beyond;
- Gain important new skills in policy analysis and the promotion of evidence-based policies;
- Develop an advocacy platform and action plan for work that may be presented at the 2020 Conference or elsewhere.
Also, there are keynote speakers, renowned experts discussing with participants in structured dialogues in evening plenary sessions, as well as Round Table Discussions on choices for the Welfare State in the Western Balkans and future challenges.
About the Network
In 2017, a group of think-tank organizations and social policy researchers developed a Regional Research and Advocacy Platform focusing on the future of the welfare state in the countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia). The platform aims to raise awareness, promote discussion, and develop a common advocacy agenda for strengthening the welfare state at local, national and regional levels and ensuring that social policy challenges are given greater attention in the EU enlargement process.
In June 2018, a Regional Conference on the topic was held in Belgrade, Serbia attended by over 250 policy makers, professionals, activists, development actors, and researchers. The Conference will be held every two years, focusing on issues of mutual concern. In 2019, the priorities of the network are to develop indicators, undertake research, support peer review processes for Governments in the region, and to hold an intensive Policy Analysis Laboratory.
Western Balkans Policy Analysis Laboratory Agenda
Please click on the link below to download the PAL Agenda: