Peer Review on Delivery and Financing Holistic Services in the Western Balkan countries

//Peer Review on Delivery and Financing Holistic Services in the Western Balkan countries

Peer Review on Delivery and Financing Holistic Services in the Western Balkan countries

The Center for Social Policy participated in the peer review workshop on delivery and financing holistic services in the Western Balkan countries, which was held on December 6, 2017 in Tirana. Discussions were thematically focused on governance of social services, monitoring and inspecting social care service delivery, delivering through non-public sector, minimum basket of services and its financing, social care reforms, as well as important issues in employment sphere.

Representatives of international institutions and public and civil sector in the region discussed about achievements and challenges regarding the service development, as well as plans and good practice examples that can be spread across the region. Within the concluding discussion the participants critically reflected on the role of the state in financing and service delivery, considered possibilities for a stronger influence on policy makers and agreed on further steps at the regional level.

The Peer Review Event was organized by the Center for Social Policy and ESA – Economic and Social Analytics from Tirana, members of the regional network the Future of the Welfare State in the Western Balkans.

Country Policy Briefs are available in English:

2019-10-11T18:05:01+00:00 December 7th, 2017|News|